October 26: Public meeting to discuss the replacement of the KY 2448 crossing of the North Fork of the Kentucky River. (6PM-8PM at the Hazard City Hall) [more information]
November 4: Public hearing to discuss the reconstruction of KY 52 in Garrard and Madison counties. (5PM-8PM at Paint Lick Elementary School) [more information]
November 9: Public meeting to discuss alternatives for a proposed route between the AA Highway at Tollesboro and US 68 at Fairview. (5PM-7PM in the Fleming RECC Meeting Room in Flemingsburg) [more information]
November 29, 30: Public meeting to discuss construction of the new Interstate 66 between Somerset and London. (Nov. 29 5PM-8PM at London Community Center and Nov. 30 5PM-8PM at The Center for Rural Development in Somereset) [more information]
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